Martijn van VeenNieuws, Uncategorized

FILMLAB SCREENING | SATURDAY 11 MARCH 2023 11.30-13.30 | SK1 STUDIO/K AMSTERDAM Tickets: click here PITCHLAB EVENT | FRIDAY 10 MARCH 2023 16.30-18.00 | SK4 STUDIO/K AMSTERDAM RSVP: click here FilmLAB is back with its 12th edition! This year’s “Weekend Jam” edition presents two short promos made by two emerging Asian-Dutch talents: Thuy NGUYEN (Stiletto) and Tenzing WOING (A Precious Shadow). Stiletto (by Thuy … Read More

CALL FOR ENTRIES – FilmLAB 2023 “Weekend JAM”

Martijn van VeenNieuws

Very exciting news for you all — FilmLAB is back for a ”Weekend Jam” edition and the time to enter is now! We are proud to announce the start of the 12th edition of CinemAsia FilmLAB 2023. We call upon all filmmakers out there to submit their script or idea toward the FilmLAB ”Weekend Jam” edition, which is a shortened … Read More

Oproep FilmLab Pitch Event

Martijn van VeenCinemAsia Update, FilmLAB Alumni Programme, FilmLAB Update

Sorry, this entry is only available in Dutch. Openbaar FilmLAB Pitch Event voor nieuwe Nederlands-Aziatische filmtalenten met mooie authentieke filmplannen. Vrijdag 13 mei, 16 uur. Op het CinemAsia Filmfestival zal een openbaar FilmLAB Pitch Event plaats vinden, waarin nieuwe Nederlands-Aziatische filmtalenten hun authentieke plannen voor een film of een televisie-serie mogen pitchen aan een panel van ervaren professionals uit de … Read More


Martijn van VeenUncategorized

IDFA is screening more than twenty Asian documentaries this year. FilmLAB supporters André and Daan have put together a top 6 and will be present at the screenings themselves. Come and join us and let’s meet! Our top 6: 1. Children of the Mist (Vietnam) André present Thursday 25 November, 16:45 2. Writing with Fire (India) André (shortly) present Sunday … Read More

FilmLAB Jam Sessions

Martijn van VeenUncategorized

Regardless of lockdowns and corona measures, CinemAsia FilmLAB will keep organising some activities during these difficult times. We will continue our FilmLAB Jam Sessions for our FilmLAB Alumni and those who are interested. This happens every other week and is organised by FilmLAB Supprot André Kloer. During these Jam Sessions of one to one and a half hours a sent … Read More

CinemAsia 1.5m Distance Short Film Project

Martijn van VeenCinemAsia Update, Event tip

Are you sick of this period of self isolation?  Make a short film that will be screened during a quarterly screening of CinemAsia! Make a film about the self-isolation times that we are living in. Be as creative as you want: tell your story, what you do, how you do certain activities, how you are dealing with this situation, etc. … Read More

10 CinemAsia Doc tips to get through Quarantine

Martijn van VeenCinemAsia Update

CinemAsia has had the fortune to hold its 2020 edition of CinemAsia Film Festival this past March. More than a month later such an event has become unthinkable. Words such as social distancing and self isolation have entered our daily lexicon and people who do not practice a crucial profession are adviced to work from home and everyone is asked … Read More

10 Asian Series to get through Quarantine

Martijn van VeenCinemAsia Update

CinemAsia has had the fortune to hold it’s 2020 edition of CinemAsia Film Festival this past March. A litte over a month later such an event has become unthinkable. Words such as social distancing and selfisolation have entered our daily lexicon and people who do not have a crucial profession are adviced to work from home and everyone is asked … Read More