CinemAsia FilmLAB’s Vision
CinemAsia FilmLAB wants to build bridges between talented Asian Dutch Filmmakers and the Dutch (and European) film and media industry to improve the representation of Asians (and other communities of color).
CinemAsia FilmLAB’s Mission
CinemAsia FilmLAB creates programs for filmmakers with an asian background and their allies to develop media productions about themes like cultural identity, participation, migration and citizenship. FilmLAB connects these filmmakers with the Dutch film and media industry to help create lasting ties and improve the diversity within the industry .
FilmLAB’s Goals
FilmLAB has set itself the following goals to reach her mission and vision:
- To tell diverse stories from an Asian perspective that are relatable to a broad audience
- To get the general public acquianted with Asian Cultural and Asian-Dutch Filmtalent.
- To offer Dutch with an Asian background the opportunity to enter the (Dutch) film- and media industry as a filmmaker, director, researcher/editor, screenwriter, graphic designer or producer, and so contributing to the improvement of diversity and inclusivity in the film sector.
- To create more diverse and inclusive representations of Asians in Film and media.
- To stimulate cross-cultural collaboration, knowledge share and networking.
CinemAsia FilmLAB’s Values
CinemAsia FilmLAB sees there is a lot of film talent with an asian background in the Netherlands. This ranges from Chinese to Indonesian and Japanese to Indian, from expat to third generation immigrant. These talents don’t always have the same opportunities when it comes to developing their filmmaking skills. This results in a majority of film talent with an Asian background being at a disadvantage in connecting to the Dutch film and tv industry in regards to their Dutch peers. CinemAsia FilmLAB creates programs to help bridge this gap for film talent with an asian background. FilmLAB also helps create better understanding, debate and imagination through their support in adding media productions to the media landscape that centralize subject matters such as diversity, inclusivity and identity.