CinemAsia FilmLAB has not helped participants to create their short films in isolation. CinemAsia is very thankful to the sponsors and partners it has reached and attracted throughout the years. They have helped to improve the production standards and overall quality of the films with every new edition. CinemAsia FilmLAB is grateful and thankful to have  allies who believe in CinemAsia FilmLAB’s mission and vision. They have shared their time, energy, equipment or knowledge voluntary.

FilmLAB considers it a priority to enter collaborations with sponsors and partners with an open mind and always  try to evaluate and learn so they can optimize their workflow to enter collaborations as effectively as possible.

Are you a representative of a potentially interested party, whether it concerns casting, catering, subtitling or otherwise you are always welcome to contact us.

CinemAsia FilmLAB also welcomes donations from private parties, regardless of the size of the donation we are thankful for everyone that wants to help improve inclusive and diverse representation and to help connect Asians and Asian-Dutch to the film industry.


Cam-a-lot is one of out dearest and loyal partners. They have sponsored camera equipment for the last 7 editions of CinemAsia FilmLAB and have always been gracious with their time, expertise and patience. Cam-a-lot is a great Camera and film equipment rental service that not just rents out their equipment, but is really prepared to think along with its clients for the best camera and film equipment solutions possible. They have provided the equipment for some of the Netherlands biggest and strongest film and television productions.

You can find further information about Cam-a-lot on their website.

Since the last two editions of FilmLAB Fever Film has really helped to improve the short films. They have provided studio space and specialists to help with the audio work and mixing of the FilmLAB Shorts to ensure the best quality. They also have provided tours and introductions to their workflow and work standards to give participants the right idea about how things are done right. Fever Film always has show an interest and curiosity in our film projects which FilmLAB really appreciates.

Fever Film provides post production services for productions big and small, commercial an indie and is a great knowledge centre on post production services and workflow.

You can find further information on Fever Film on their website.

Last Edition Loods, also known as Lux Lumen, has really helped the CinemAsia FilmLAB films look the best they ever have by providing a keen eye from the master on color correction. Housed conveniently in the East of Amsterdam the people of Loods have shown FIlmLAB so much patience, understanding and time to help educate and think along with our participants to great a coherent and unique look for each and every film.

You can find further information on Loods Lux & Lumen on their website.

In the FilmLAB edition of 2018 LITES has helped make the fiction films that were produced the most evenly lit ever. LITES graciously sponsored a lighting set for the production of our short films and has shown a lot of understanding and patience with our FilmLAB participants.

LITES has an extremely diverse and broad array of lighting possibilities for any film or media project and is up to date on the best lighting solutions whether it is for a commercial shoot, web series or indie film.

You can find further information of LITES on their website.


For several editions Filmmore has sponsored the color correction and DCP creation of the CinemAsia FilmLAB Short films. Filmmore has offered us many manhours, productional support and expertise to improve the quality of our films and have even hosted one of our post production meetings. Filmmore is also conveniently located in the city center of Amsterdam and has a very flexible team of experts on post production.

You can find further information on Filmmore on their Website.