10 CinemAsia Film Tips to get through Quarantine

Martijn van VeenCinemAsia Update, Tip

CinemAsia has had the fortune to hold it’s 2020 edition of CinemAsia Film Festival this past March. Less than a month later such an event has become unthinkable. Words such as social distancing and selfisolation have entered our daily lexicon and people who do not have a crucial profession are adviced to work from home and everyone is asked to … Read More

CinemAsia Film Festival 2020 FilmLAB Activities

Martijn van VeenUncategorized

FilmLAB has always been an intrinsic part of CinemAsia Film Festival. So obviously FilmLAB activities can’t be missing from CinemAsia Film Festival 2020. The following activities are planned to take place (click on the links for further info): Producing In a Time of Flux Thursday March 5 | 15.00 @ Pakhuis de Zwijger Boardmember of CinemAsia and film producer Lorna … Read More

CinemAsia FilmLAB Panel: Recipes for Success

Martijn van VeenUncategorized

Saturday March 7 | 13:00 – 15:00 | SK6 (Studio K, Amsterdam)  Hugo Emmerzael will ask programmer and guest curator of CinemAsia Film Festival 2020 Leo Soesanto, director Shariff Nasr, Dramaturge and project director at De Ontmoeting Sacha Gertsik and Executive Producer at Revolver Germen Boelens to share their recipes for success for (starting) filmmakers with an Asian background. Leo … Read More

Sioejeng Tsao & Julie Ng discuss daily racism on Radio 1

Martijn van VeenNieuws, Opinie, Tip

Artist and activist Sioejeng Tsao and documentary maker and part of the platform Meer dan Babi Pangang Julie Ng speak with presenter Renze Klamer on Radio 1 about the growing daily racism towards the Asian community in the midst of the Corona virus outbreak in China. Sioejeng and Julie think the Asian community has to make a fist to fight … Read More

International Film Festival Rotterdam Poll

Martijn van VeenEvent tip

What (Asian) film are you most excited to go see at International Film Festival Amsterdam?Moving Pictures: Filmmakers and the art of cinematographyShort Film Marathon 2020KrabiShell & JointYellowingTokyo Telepath 2020Vote

FilmLAB Films Screening During Chinese New Year

Martijn van VeenCinemAsia Update, FilmLAB Screening

Chinese New year, also refered to as the spring festival, is celebrated for about fifteen days, but in the Permeke library in Antwerp a program of three weeks has been created to celebrate the Chinese New year. On January 19, 2020, from 12.0o to 14.00 CinemAsia will sscreen a selection of their shortfilms with amongst others Last Minute Tea, Carve … Read More