As part of the CinemAsia FilmLAB Network activities, FilmLAB since 2019 has given the opportunity to our alumni to keep creating by stimulating them to participate in 48 Hours projects in the Netherlands.
We open this up to participants of all years, editions and modules to connect to each other, to grow their network, to collaborate and to keep making films. Especially in a field where filmmakers and filmprofessionals need to show endurance and where filmmaking from preproduction till distribution can take up to a few years to complete a film, CinemAsia FilmLAB considers it a priority for it’s alumni to keep making films and enjoying the proces.
CinemAsia FilmLAB offers a CinemAsia 48 Hours team:
- A space to work from in Amsterdam
- Coverage of the registration fee
- A small fee to cover some costs such as catering (but no pay to anyone in accordance to 48 Hours rules)
- A screening of your short film at CinemAsia Film Festival
- Use of it’s network to gather a team
- Connecting to interested alumi to get to know each other and collaborate
In 2019 a team has participated in the 48 Hours from Cinekid in 2020 a team has participated in 48 Hours from de Roze Filmdagen.