2 FilmLAB Shorts @ Short Movie Sunday

Martijn van VeenFilmLAB Screening, FilmLAB Update

The Short Movie Sunday is back at Volkshotel where a selection of short films curated by the broedplaats, Cineville, Doka, Lab 111, De Nederlandse Filmacademie en Pluk de Nacht will be screened throughout the hotel and incubator. This year’s edition of Short Movie Sunday will be on six floors in collaboration with six different movie curators. From an outdoor cinema … Read More

Podcast: Sandra Beerends about her film ‘They Call me Baby’

Martijn van VeenNieuws, Tip

Director and mentor of FilmLAB Shorts 2014 Sandra Beerends has directed the beautiful documentary film They Call me Babu: a film telling the story of a babu taking care of her dutch colonial family recounting her life, dreams and struggles in the first half of the 20th century. In a VPRO Podcast she share more about this documentary. Click here … Read More

Meet…The Chinese Community @ de Zwijger

Martijn van VeenVerslag

Martijn from CinemAsia FilmLAB went to the event at Pakhuis de Zwijger organised by the PAC, Pan Asian Collective on Monday November 18 in the series Transnational Amsterdam of Pakhuis de Zwijger. This was a really cool evening with a packed room.  A range of creatives from the community introduced themselves and shared their experiences on being Chinese-Dutch. Pete Wu … Read More

Tip: Het Brede Netwerk

Martijn van VeenTip

Sorry, this entry is only available in Dutch. Het Brede netwerk is een media netwerk met als doel de diversiteit bij de media te verhogen. Het netwerk bestaat uit werkende journalisten die ‘diversiteit’ voorstellen en voorstaan. Met een groep van 40 vooraanstaande journalisten van onder andere NRC Handelsblad, Nieuwsuur, Trouw, RTL, de Volkskrant, de Correspondent en de NOS brengen zij  … Read More

Amber Nefkens at NPO Radio 1

Martijn van VeenNieuws

Amber Nefkens, FilmLAB Alumni from 2014 who made the short documentary Indië on a plate, has created a theatre and musical play about her grandmother and her life in Indonesia.  She shares more about the play and her colonial roots when she visited the NPO Radio 1 show De Dag. you can listen to the podcast here. But be warned, … Read More

FilmLAB Modules

Martijn van VeenFilmLAB Update

Currently we are working on creating and sharing our FilmLAB Modules. The CinemAsia FilmLAB team has transitioned to the concept of Modules so internally and externally the different programs CinemAsia FilmLAB has to offer will be more distinct and insightful. It’s a good choice to make this distinction clearer so we can setup more specified and clearer budgets and project … Read More

CinemAsians Team @ 48 Hours Cinekid

Martijn van VeenFilmLAB Update, Nieuws

Sorry, this entry is only available in Dutch. De eerste deelname van het CinemAsians team aan een 48 Hour project is een feit. FilmLAB Alumni Roshni Oedit, Sandy Schardijn, Priscilla Rasyid en Sofia Murell hebben de spits afgebeten door deel te nemen aan de 48 Hour Project van Cinekid. Dit heeft geleid tot de creatie van de korte film ‘Betrapt’.  … Read More

The CinemAsia FilmLAB Website is online!

Martijn van VeenCinemAsia Update

The CinemAsia FilmLAB website is online! The new CinemAsia FilMLAb website is online and that’s a good thing. Now you can find the correct information on FilmLAB more quickly and easily. The amount of information became too much to be properly included into the general CinemAsia Film Festival website. Not only has the CinemAsia FIlmLAB archive been improved and extended, … Read More